
TA / DA Rules for Government Employees as per 7th Pay Commission

Travelling allowanceis not the part of the employee's salary and it is reimbursed towards travel expenses while on official duty.

Daily Allowance means reimbursement of expenses towards  food charges and other expenses while on official duty.

Government employees of Pay Level 8 and below need not submit vouchers along with TA claim for reimbursement of hotel expenses.

There is no provision for separate reimbursement of food bills. Employee is given a lump sum amount as reimbursement of food expenses.

For officers of Pay Level 8 and below can be paid travel expenses only on the basis of self-certified claim without producing vouchers.

DA according to Length of absence from headquarters - if less than 6 hours- 30% Lump sum amount; between 6 to 12 hours - 70% of Lump sum amount; above 12 hours 100% of Lump sum amount

Food bills per day- 14 and above- not exceeding Rs.1200/- per day; 12 and 13 - not  exceeding Rs.1000/- per day

Food bills per day- 9 to 11- not exceeding Rs.900/- per day; 6 to 8- not exceeding Rs.800/- per day; 5 and below-not exceeding Rs.500/- per day

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