How to Book Holiday Home on E-sampada Website

 Holiday Home Booking Process

Holiday Homes are like hotels for government employees, where a government employee can stay by booking a  room.

The process of booking Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels in new website of e-sampada has been changed.

New website for booking room in Holiday Homes

The facility of online payment is also available on this website.

To stay in Holiday Homes, one has to book the rooms online in advance. You can check room availability online.

You have to register yourself on the website of e-sampada i.e. to book a room in Holiday Homes.

For registration on website, you have to fill your PAN number, email-id & mobile number. After your details are verified, the registration work is completed.

After registration, you have to update your profile. You can not book a room in a Holiday Home without updating your profile.

Required documents to be uploaded

1. Pay Fixation order     for the present post

2. Present Pay Slip

3. Joining order in    Government Service

The size of all the documents to be uploaded should not exceed 400 Kb. So, compress the documents after scanning.

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