Daily Allowance means reimbursement of expenses towards food charges and other expenses while on official duty.
Government employees of Pay Level 8 and below need not submit vouchers along with TA claim for reimbursement of hotel expenses.
There is no provision for separate reimbursement of food bills. Employee is given a lump sum amount as reimbursement of food expenses.
For officers of Pay Level 8 and below can be paid travel expenses only on the basis of self-certified claim without producing vouchers.
DA according to Length of absence from headquarters - if less than 6 hours- 30% Lump sum amount; between 6 to 12 hours - 70% of Lump sum amount; above 12 hours 100% of Lump sum amount
Food bills per day-
14 and above- not exceeding Rs.1200/-
per day; 12 and 13 - not
exceeding Rs.1000/-
per day
Food bills per day-
9 to 11- not exceeding Rs.900/- per day; 6 to 8- not exceeding Rs.800/- per day; 5 and below-not exceeding Rs.500/-
per day
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