Transport Allowance

Transport Allowance for Central Government Employees as per 7th CPC and rates of Trasport Allowance


Transport Allowance for Central Government Employees is one of some important allowances available to them.

Transport allowance is also the part of salary of government employees like Dearness Allowance and Home Rent Allowance.

Transport Allowance is given to all Government Employees in lieu of travel expenses from home or residence to office.

There are 19 cities in India where higher Transport Allowance is given to Central Government Employees.

Except for the 19 cities, in rest of the cities, TPTA is less as compared to the 19 cities included in the first category.

If a Government Employee is on leave for the whole calendar month(s), he will not be paid Transport Allowance.

Physically disabled service personnel shall continue to be paid Transport Allowance at double the normal rates

The allowance will not be admissible during the period of deputation abroad

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