Short-Term Job Oriented Courses After 12th

Looking for short-term job oriented courses after 12th? Check out our comprehensive guide for top courses in fields like IT, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

After completing 12th, students often find themselves in two situations – whether they should take admission in college for higher education or do such short-term courses so that they can get a job.

Students who are financially weak, want to do some such courses which can be done in less time i.e., Short-Term Courses and are job oriented as well. Such students want to earn as soon as possible after doing these courses. 

In view of this, nowadays many private institutions are available which provide such short-term courses.

These institutes are also offering online classes for some short-term courses so that a student can prepare for them from home. After doing these courses, students have the possibility of getting a job with a good salary.

In India, there are numerous short-term job oriented courses after 12th that students can opt for after completing their 12th grade. These courses can provide them with valuable skills and knowledge in a short period of time, making them job-ready and equipping them with the necessary skills for higher studies.

In this blog post, we will discuss some important short-term job oriented courses after 12th that students can consider after completing their 12th grade.

So, let’s know in detail about these short-term job oriented courses after 12th.

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Short-Term Job Oriented Courses After 12th

In India, you can find lots of short courses to learn new skills or improve the ones you already have. Let’s check out some popular short courses in mobile app making, creating games, artificial intelligence, writing, fashion design, makeup, cooking, organizing events, managing money, yoga, and meditation.

Animation, Multimedia and Designing

Animation and Multimedia

Animation and Multimedia course covers topics such as 2D and 3D animation, visual effects, game design and digital compositing.

This short-term course teaches students about creating animations, multimedia content, visual effects and animations for films, television, and games.

2D animation is when you make cartoons using flat pictures. While 3D animation is like making cartoons with more realistic-looking characters.

Visual effects are all the effects you see added to real-life scenes in movies, TV shows, or video games. Like explosions or superheroes flying through the sky.

Game design is about creating video games, deciding how they will look, what the characters will do, and how players will interact with them.

Digital compositing is like putting together different pictures or videos to make a new one. Like taking a photo of a person and putting them in a made-up background to create a cool scene.

In this short-term course, students will learn how to create animations, VFX and multimedia content using various tools and software.

They will learn how to create 2D and 3D animations, visual effects, game design and digital compositing. They will also learn about the various tools and software used in animation and multimedia production.

For diploma course in 3D animation, it is necessary to have 12th pass with 50 percent marks.

To take admission for diploma course in 3D animation, it is not necessary to pass in any particular stream. That is, 12th passed students from Arts, Science and Commerce can take admission for Diploma course in 3D Animation.

Top Institutes for Diploma Course in 3D Animation – Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) , Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC), TGC Animation and Multimedia, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

Graphic Designing

A man learning Graphic Designing on Computer

Graphic Designing is the art and practice of creating visual content to communicate a message or an idea.

Graphic Designing courses teach you the basics of creating designs using colors, fonts, and layouts for things like logos, flyers, and posters. You will learn how to make eye-catching designs for different purposes in a short time.

Colour theory is the study of how colours interact with each other, and how they can be used to create visual impact and contrast.

Typography is the study of fonts and typefaces, and how they can be used to enhance the legibility and readability of text.

Composition is the study of how visual elements can be arranged in a way that is visually pleasing and communicates a message effectively.

Layout design involves arranging text and images to create a visually pleasing design.

Image editing involves manipulating images to improve their quality or create visual effects.

In this short-term course, students will learn how to create visual content using various tools and software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. These tools are used by professionals to create high-quality graphic designs.

Students will also learn about branding and identity design, which involves creating visual identities for companies and organizations.


Nowadays the scope of photography is increasing, so there is a very good scope in this field. If a student is interested in photography then this short term course is very good for him. 

Short-term course in Photography teaches students about capturing and editing photographs. This course covers topics such as camera settings, lighting, composition, and photo editing. They will also learn about various photos editing software like Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.

Adjusting the camera settings means setting up the camera to take the picture you want. Lighting is about using light well for your picture. Composition is how you arrange things in the photo to make it look good. Editing is when you improve the photo using computer programs.

After 12th, a student of any stream can make a career in this field. The duration of short-term course in Photography ranges from 6 months to 12 months.

Where photography is done commercially, there is a demand for trained and professional photographers.

Therefore, after doing this course, a student can become a photographer, fashion photographer, wildlife photographer, news photographer in modelling. Also, a student can start his own business in the field of photography.


Everyone is familiar with the word multimedia and this time is also of multimedia. So you can understand how much career scope is there in this field.

There are various short-term courses in multimedia that you can pursue after completing your 12th in India. Here are some popular courses: –

  • Certificate Course in Multimedia: This is a six-month course that covers topics such as graphic design, 2D animation, and video editing.
  • Diploma in Multimedia: This is a one-year course that covers graphic design, 2D and 3D animation, video editing, and web design.
  • Advanced Diploma in Multimedia: This is a two-year course that covers advanced topics such as game development, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Short-term courses in multimedia generally cover a range of topics related to digital media creation, including graphic design, animation, video editing, and web design.

In addition to these core topics, short-term multimedia courses may also cover topics like game design, virtual reality, and augmented reality, depending on the course and institute.

After doing short-term courses in Multimedia, students get a chance to work in any advertising company, academic institutions, entertainment industry, web industry, designing industry, print news media, publishing industry, cartoon production.

They can work as an Animator, Graphic Designer, Multimedia Designer, Web Designer, Logo Designer, Multimedia Programmer, Brand Manager, Promotion Manager, Illustrator etc. 


Hotel Management

As the tourism industry is growing day-by-day, the demand for professionals in hotels is also increasing.

12th pass students who are interested in hospitality service can make a career in this field by completing short term courses.

For this, taking a course in hotel management is very beneficial. After doing this course, one can get the job of chef, receptionist, room service staff and manager in any restaurant, hotel or passenger water ships.

If you want a quick job after 12th by doing a short term course, then Diploma in Hotel Management is a very good option. There are many job opportunities available in India as well as abroad after completing this course. 

Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and Tourism is a short-term course that teaches students about the hospitality and tourism industry.

This course covers topics such as customer service, hotel and restaurant management, travel and tourism management, and event management.

In this short-term course, students will learn about the hospitality and tourism industry and its various aspects. They will learn about customer service, hotel and restaurant management, travel and tourism management, and event management.

They will also learn about the various tools and techniques used in hospitality and tourism management.

Customer service means giving great service to customers. Hotel and restaurant management is about running hotels and restaurants smoothly. Travel and tourism management is about running travel companies well. Event management means planning and organizing events like parties, weddings, and concerts.

Event Management

Event management is a field that requires organization and creativity, as professionals plan and execute events of all types and sizes.

There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of event management, including event planning, event marketing, and event production. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Event Planning and Management Course
  2. Event Marketing Course
  3. Wedding Planning Course
  4. Event Production Course
  5. Corporate Event Planning Course

Tech-Focused Career Paths

Web Designing and Web Development

An image of a computer screen displaying a website design for web designing

After completing short term course in web designing, students can get a job as a web designer or do freelancing work.

Web Designing and Web Development are the processes of creating and designing the layout, structure, and appearance of websites. These involve a range of skills, including the use of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In this short course, students learn the basics of website design, starting with HTML and CSS, and then move on to advanced topics like making websites that work well on different devices.

Students will learn how to design user-friendly and responsive web pages that can be viewed on various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

Students will also be introduced to web design software like Adobe Dreamweaver, which can be used to simplify the web design process.

HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) is the standard mark-up language used to create web pages. It provides the structure of the website, defining the headings, paragraphs, images, and other content on the page.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style the website, defining the colors, fonts, and layout of the content on the page.

JavaScript is a programming language used to add interactivity to the website, such as dropdown menus, pop-ups, and animations.

In this short-term course, students will learn how to create websites and web applications using various tools and frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django. Ruby on Rails and Django provide pre-built tools and libraries to simplify web development.

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a field that is growing rapidly, as more and more people use smartphones and tablets.

There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of mobile app development, including programming languages, app design, and app development tools. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Android App Development Course
  2. iOS App Development Course
  3. React Native Course
  4. Flutter Course
  5. Unity Course

Game Development

Game development is another field that is growing rapidly, with the rise of mobile gaming and the popularity of e-Sports.

There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of game development, including game engines, game design, and programming languages. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Unity Game Development Course
  2. Unreal Engine Game Development Course
  3. Game Art and Design Course
  4. 2D Game Development Course
  5. 3D Game Development Course

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is an emerging field that is changing the way we interact with technology.

There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Machine Learning Course
  2. Deep Learning Course
  3. Natural Language Processing Course
  4. AI for Business Course
  5. Computer Vision Course

Data Science

Data Science is a short-term course that teaches students about using data to gain insights and make decisions. This course covers topics such as statistics, data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.

Statistics involves analyzing and interpreting data using statistical methods.

Data analysis involves analyzing data to identify patterns and trends.

Machine learning involves training algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on data.

Data visualization involves presenting data in a visual format such as charts and graphs.

In this short-term course, students will learn about various data science techniques and tools. They will learn about statistics, data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.

They will also learn about various data science tools like Python, R, and SQL.

Digital Skills and Security

Data Analytics

In Data Analytics short-term course, students learn about analysing and interpreting data to inform business decisions. This course covers topics such as data visualization, statistical analysis, data mining, and predictive modelling.

Data visualization involves creating visual representations of data to make it easier to understand and analyse. Statistical analysis involves using statistical techniques to analyse data and draw conclusions. Data mining involves extracting insights from large datasets. Predictive modelling involves using data to make predictions about future outcomes.

In this short-term course, students will learn how to analyse and interpret data using various tools and techniques. They will learn how to use software like Excel, R, and Python to analyse data and create visualizations. They will also learn how to use statistical techniques to draw conclusions from data.


Cybersecurity is a short-term course that teaches students about protecting computer systems and networks from cyber attacks. This course covers topics such as network security, cryptography, ethical hacking, and cyber crime.

Network security involves protecting computer networks from unauthorized access or attacks. Cryptography involves encoding messages to make them unreadable to unauthorized users. Ethical hacking involves testing computer systems and networks for vulnerabilities. Cyber crime involves investigating and prosecuting computer crimes.

In this short-term course, students will learn about the various types of cyber attacks and how to prevent them. They will learn about network security, cryptography, and ethical hacking techniques used to protect computer systems and networks. They will also learn about cyber crime and how to investigate and prosecute cyber crimes.

Digital Marketing

Individuals interacting with a smartphone and different tech devices

Now a days, the era of digitization, almost everyone is familiar with the word digital and the career in this field is on its boom.  There are a lot of possibilities to make a career in this field and one of them is a career in digital marketing. Digital marketing is likely to be used in the future more than it is being used at present. Therefore, there is an equally high scope of career in this field.

The field of digital marketing is so vast that there are many different tasks under it. Short term course in Digital Marketing teaches students about marketing strategies and techniques used in the digital space. This course covers topics such as social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, content marketing. Affiliate Marketing, Web Analytics, Lead Generation, Brand Management etc. Therefore, there are immense possibilities of getting a job in this field.

Social media marketing involves promoting products or services through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. SEO involves optimizing a website to rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. PPC advertising involves placing ads on search engine results pages or other websites and paying for clicks on those ads. Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to potential customers. Content marketing involves creating valuable and relevant content to attract and retain a target audience.

In this short-term course, students will learn how to create and implement effective digital marketing strategies. They will learn about the various tools and platforms used in digital marketing, and how to measure the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

One can enrol in this course even after passing 12th. However, graduate students can also do diploma courses in this. After doing Diploma in Digital Marketing, one can get job as Digital Marketing Executive, Manager, SEO Specialist, SEO Manager, Social Media Marketing Manager, Content Writer, Web Specialist etc.

If you want, you can start your own business after doing this course. 

Language, Writing, and Personal Development

Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language is a short-term course that teaches students to communicate in a foreign language. This course covers topics such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening in a foreign language.

In this short-term course, students will learn a foreign language and its grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. They will learn how to read, write, speak, and listen in a foreign language. They will also learn about the culture and customs associated with the foreign language.

Learning a foreign language can provide various benefits like career advancement, personal growth, and cultural awareness. It can also help in travel and tourism and international business.

Content Writing

Content writing is a field that is in high demand, as more and more businesses and organizations rely on content to engage with their audience. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of content writing, including writing techniques, SEO, and content marketing. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Copywriting Course
  2. SEO Writing Course
  3. Content Marketing Course
  4. Technical Writing Course
  5. Creative Writing Course

Personal Finance

Personal finance is a field that is becoming increasingly important as people seek to manage their money more effectively. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of personal finance, including budgeting, investing, and financial planning. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Financial Planning Course
  2. Investment Planning Course
  3. Retirement Planning Course
  4. Tax Planning Course
  5. Wealth Management Course

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are practices that promote physical and mental well-being, and are becoming increasingly popular as people seek to reduce stress and improve their overall health. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of yoga and meditation, including yoga asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation practices. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Yoga Instructor Course
  2. Meditation Course
  3. Ayurveda Course
  4. Yoga Therapy Course
  5. Mindfulness Course

Creative and Lifestyle Courses

Interior Design

Interior Design is a short-term course that teaches students about designing interior spaces. This course covers topics such as colour theory, furniture design, space planning, and materials and finishes.

Colour theory involves understanding the use of colour to create a mood or atmosphere in a space. Furniture design involves designing furniture to fit the needs and aesthetics of a space. Space planning involves arranging furniture and fixtures to create a functional and visually appealing space. Materials and finishes involve selecting materials and finishes that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of a space.

In this short-term course, students will learn about various interior design techniques and tools. They will learn about colour theory, furniture design, space planning, and materials and finishes. They will also learn about various interior design software like AutoCAD and SketchUp.

This short-term course provides students with an understanding of various design principles and techniques that are essential in designing interior spaces. Students will learn about designing residential, commercial, and hospitality spaces. They will also learn about various building codes and regulations that govern interior design.

Overall, Interior Design is an excellent short-term course for students who have a passion for design and want to pursue a career in the field of interior design. It provides students with the skills and knowledge required to design interior spaces that are functional and visually appealing.

Fashion Designing

Fashion designing is a field that requires creativity and skill, as designers create new styles and trends that capture the attention of consumers. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of fashion designing, including fashion sketching, garment construction, and fashion marketing. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Fashion Design Course
  2. Textile Design Course
  3. Fashion Illustration Course
  4. Fashion Marketing Course
  5. Fashion Styling Course

Beauty and Makeup

Beauty and makeup is a field that is in high demand, as people strive to look their best. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of beauty and makeup, including makeup techniques, skincare, and hair styling. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Makeup Artistry Course
  2. Skin Care Course
  3. Hair Styling Course
  4. Nail Art Course
  5. Bridal Makeup Course

Culinary Arts

Culinary arts is a field that requires skill and creativity, as chefs create new dishes and flavours that delight the senses. There are several short-term courses available in India that cover the basics of culinary arts, including cooking techniques, baking, and food presentation. Some of the most popular courses include:

  1. Professional Cookery Course
  2. Baking and Pastry Course
  3. Food and Beverage Management Course
  4. Restaurant Management Course
  5. Culinary

In conclusion, these are just a few of the many short-term courses available in India that can help individuals develop new skills or upgrade their existing ones. Whether you’re interested in technology, the arts, or personal development, there’s a course out there that can help you achieve your goals. So why not invest in your future today by enrolling in a short-term course that interests you?


For some reason, if you are having problems in pursuing academic education after 12th, then it is better to get a job quickly by doing short-term job oriented courses after 12th.

But if you want to start your own business after doing short-term job oriented courses after 12th, then you can do so after completing them. 

In this article, we have talked about some important short-term job oriented courses after 12th.

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