SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern: If you are a fresher i.e. you have cleared 10+2 exam this year and going to prepare for SSC CHSL exam then you should know the SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern, syllabus and eligibility first.
For a good preparation of any Government Job it is very important to know exam pattern, syllabus and eligibility for that exam. This becomes very important for those candidates have just cleared 10+2 exam and new to prepare for SSC CHSL exam. Hence, they must know the SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern, syllabus and eligibility for this exam.
In this article, we will give detailed information about SSC CHSL Exam 2023. We will know the SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern, syllabus and eligibility criteria in detail.
So, let’s see what is the SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern, syllabus and eligibility for this exam.
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SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern – Posts, Salary and Qualification:

Posts and Pay Scale
The Posts, Salary and Qualification for SSC CHSL Exam is published by Staff Selection Commission. You can visit official website of Staff Selection Commission and see the notification.
As per the notification of SSC CHSL Exam 2022, this exam is held for the following posts-
- Lower Division Clerk
- Junior Secretariat Assistant
- Postal Assistant
- Sorting Assistant
- Data Entry Operator (DEO)
- Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’ (in C&AG office)
The Pay Level and Pay Scale as per 7th CPC for the above posts are given below-
- Lower Division Clerk and Junior Secretariat Assistant – Pay Leve – 2, Pay Scale- Rs.19,900- Rs.63,200
- Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant – Pay Level-4, Pay Scale- Rs. 25,500- Rs.81,100
- Data Entry Operator (DEO)- Pay Level- 4, Pay Scale- Rs. 25,500- Rs.81,100
and Pay Level -5, Pay Scale – Rs.29,200- Rs.92,300 - Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’ (in C&AG office)- Pay Level- 4, Pay Scale- Rs. 25,500- Rs.81,100
Eligibility / Qualifications for SSC CHSL Exam-
A candidate who is going to appear in the SSC CHSL exam must possess the following qualifications-
Educational qualification
For the posts of Lower Division Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant and Data Entry Operator a candidate must have passed 12th class or equivalent examination from a recognized board or school.
For the post of Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’ (in C&AG office) a candidate must have passed 12th class or equivalent examination in Science stream from a recognized board or school and having Mathematics as one of the subjects
Age limit
As per the notification published by Staff Selection Commission, the age limit for the above posts under SSC CHSL Examination is minimum 18 years and maximum 27 years of age.
The relaxation in upper age limit is also given by the Commission for various categories. The details of relaxation in upper age limit is given in the table below-
Category | Relaxation in upper age limit |
OBC | 3 year |
SC/ST | 5 years |
Person with Disabilities (General) | 10 years |
Persons with Disabilities (OBC) | 13 years |
Persons with Disabilities (SC/ST) | 15 years |
SSC CHSL Examination Procedure
Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CHSL Exam in three tiers i.e. three levels.
Tier-I or Level-I Exam– In this Tier, the exam is conducted online i.e. the exam is taken on computer. This exam has one paper and objective types of questions are asked.
Tier-II or Level-II Exam- This exam is conducted offline i.e. the exam is taken on paper.
Tier-II or Level-II Exam – After qualifying Tier-I and Tier-II Exam, the eligible candidates have to appear in Skill Test or Typing Test in Tier-III or Level-III Exam. Typing Test or Skill Test is taken on computers which are provided by the Commission at the centre of examination.
SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern -Tier-I
Here Examination pattern means what is the manner of SSC CHSL Exam i.e. how many parts of papers, how many questions are asked and total marks etc.
Tier-I Exam Pattern-
In SSC CHSL Tier-I Exam, objective type questions are asked and all the questions have four options.
This paper has four parts and the subjects of each part is given below-
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness / General Knowledge
- Quantitative Aptitude – Generally this subject is known as mathematics.
- English languages and Comprehension
Each part of this paper has 25 questions asked from the above subjects and total marks for each part is 50 i.e. the total number of questions in this paper is 100 and Total marks is 200.
- The total exam duration of Tier-I paper is 60 minutes. For visually impaired candidates the exam duration is 80 minutes.
- To qualify Tier-I Exam, there is no qualifying mark for each part of this paper.
- In this paper, there is negative marking for wrong answer. For each wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted.
SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern-Tier-II
Tier-II Exam is taken offline through pen and paper. In this exam, the candidates have to answer in descriptive manner.
Candidates can answer the questions either in Hindi or in English language i.e. candidates cannot answer in both languages. If a candidate writes answer of a question in Hindi then he has to write all answers in Hindi only.
Candidates cannot answer some questions in Hindi and some questions in English. If a candidate writes answers in both languages then he may be given zero marks in this paper.
The total mark of this Paper is 100 and the duration of the exam is one hour. For visually impaired candidates the duration of exam is 1 hour and 20 minutes.
The main purpose of this exam is to test the writing skills of the candidates.
In Tier-II paper the questions are asked from Essay writing, Précis writing, Application writing and Letter writing.
This paper is of qualifying nature and first candidates have to qualify this paper and then aggregate marks in Tier-I and Tier-II will be considered for Tier-III Exam i.e. skill test and typing test.
The qualifying mark in Tier-II paper is 33 per-cent.
So, we advise candidates who are preparing for SSC CHSL Exam, they should not try to get only 33 percent marks in this paper but get a good mark to be listed in the final list.
SSC CHSL Exam 2023 Pattern-Tier-III
On the basis of marks obtained in Tier-I and Tier-II Exams, the qualified candidates are called for Tier-III exam i.e. for Typing Test and Skill Test.
In Tier-III Exam, the test is taken of candidates on computers provided by Commission on exam centre.
The candidates have to give Skill Test or Typing Test according to the post they have qualified for.
Skill Test for Data Entry Operator
The candidates who have qualified for Data Entry Operator post have to give Typing Test. This exam is of qualifying nature.
The required Typing Speed to qualify this test is 8000 key depressions per hour. As you know, pressing a key once on a computer keyboard is called a key depression.
For this typing test an article in running format is given to candidates and candidates have to type this article in 15 minutes. So, the duration of this test only 15 minutes and candidates have to type at the speed of 2000 key depressions in 15 minutes.
Candidates who appear for the post of Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’ (in C&AG Office), their Typing Speed should be 15000 Key depressions per hour to qualify this test.
For this post also the duration of the exam is 15 minutes only and candidates have to type a printed matter of 3700-4000 words in 15 minutes.
Candidates who are eligible to scribe are given an additional time of 5 minutes. So, the exam duration for visually impaired candidates is 20 minutes.
There is no exemption from this exam for any candidates.
Typing Test for the post of LDC, JSA, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant
The medium of Typing Test for the posts of LDC, JSA, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant is Hindi and English.
The candidate can only give this Typing Test in the that language (Hindi or English) which was opted by him at the time of online application.
The Typing speed of those candidates who have opted English language for this test should be 35 words per minute (wpm) i.e. 10500 key depressions per hour.
The typing speed of those candidates who have opted Hindi medium for this test should be 30 words per minute (wpm) i.e. 9000 key depressions per hour.
For this test, a printed matter is given to candidates and the duration of this test is 10 minutes.
The eligible candidates for scribe are given 5 minutes additional time for this test i.e. the exam duration for visually impaired candidates is 15 minutes. A person is provided to these candidates to read the printed matter.
If you are going to prepare for SSC CHSL Exam and you are not aware of the pattern of this exam then this article will be very helpful to you.
In this article we learned that SSC CHSL Exam is conducted in three Tiers viz Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III.
In Tier-I Exam the paper consists of four subjects- General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness or General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, English languages and Comprehension.
The paper in Tier-II exam is of descriptive type and candidates have to write answer on paper. The qualifying mark in this paper is 33 percent.
On the basis of total marks obtained in Tier-I and Tier-II, candidates are called for Skill Test and Typing Test in Tier-III Exam.
After the completion of all the three stages, the final result is published on the basis of marks obtained in these and qualifying the skill test/typing test.
On the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates appearing in the final result, they are allotted the state.
When ssc chsl exam result will came
for which year
I want to apply
Exam notification will be released in November 2022 for CHSL Exam 2022. Till then continue your exam preparation.
Very nice experience.
Thank you so much