To prepare Current Affairs for one day exams like SSC CGL Exams, Bank Exams, Railway Exams etc, is not a tough task if you follow some strategies and make notes regularly.
Now a days, in any competitive exams, whether it is one day exams or civil services exams, Current Affairs is playing an important role to get a good marks.
Since, the number of questions related to current affairs asked in SSC CGL exam is very less as compared to questions from Mathematics and English. But for those students whose command over Mathematics or English is not so good, Current Affairs and General Knowledge play a big role.
Current affairs becomes more important when we talk about railway and bank exams. If you are preparing for these exams then you are aware of the importance of current affairs.
To prepare current affairs well you have to follow some important steps we are going to explain here. We will tell how you can prepare current affairs from newspaper and books available in the market. Also we will suggest some good publication who publish current affairs magazine monthly, half-yearly or yearly.
So let’s know how to prepare Current Affairs from Newspapers and Magazines.
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How to Prepare Current Affairs from Newspapers and Magazines

There are many publications who publish monthly magazines for current affairs and also, many newspapers are available in the market. But, the big problem for those candidates who have just started to prepare for government job to choose a good publication for current affairs magazine.
Also, they do not know which newspaper is good for preparing current affairs and they do not know to make current affairs notes from newspaper.
If you prepare current affairs from monthly magazines and newspaper then it will be very helpful for you.
Here first of all we will give some tips to read newspaper and make a good current affairs note which will be beneficial for you during the exam.
How to prepare Current Affairs from Newspapers
If you have a habit of reading newspaper daily then this is a plus point for you to prepare current affairs. Use this good habit and follow the tips given here to make a good current affairs notes.
Read Newspaper regularly
If you want to prepare current affairs well, you must read newspaper regularly. If you think that you can prepare current affairs from half-yearly or yearly magazines, then you will be in trouble during exam.
If you read newspaper regularly, at least you are aware of current events around the world and before exam it will be easy for you to revise current affairs notes. So, the advantage of regular reading of newspaper is that you can keep track of day by day events.
If you are going for writing a descriptive exam like SSC CGL Tier 3 Exam, then you can recall the current events data and write a long article properly.
If you study the newspaper regularly then these small things will be easily remembered.
Do not Read all topics
While reading the newspaper for current affairs, read only the topics which are useful for your examination. Do not read any newspaper completely. You know all news in newspaper are not important in view of any exam. So, read only the topics from which most of the questions are asked in your exam.
The important topics from most of the current affairs questions are asked are sports, science and tech, new inventions and research, space news, important political news, awards etc.
So, read only the news which are related to the above topics. Also, keep in mind that no need to read full story. Just read the points which may ask in your exam.
For example, if a political leader from our country visits another country then note down the important points like period of visit, what happens after reaching those countries.
Same steps you have to follow if you read topics from sports events, science & tech etc.
Read relevant newspaper
There are many newspapers are available in the market. But you should choose the newspaper which is relevant to your exam. Now you are thinking that which newspaper is good for your exam.
Here, we will give some idea to choose a good newspaper which will be more relevant to your exam.
Suppose a newspaper is full of local news and entertainment news, is it beneficial for you? Again suppose a newspaper is focused on editorial and lengthy news then also is it beneficial for you?
Your answer will be no! and you are right. These type of newspaper are not beneficial to prepare current affairs for one-day exams. You will not get much benefit from such newspapers.
So, choose such a newspapers which have more and more news from those field which are very important in view of your exam.
To choose a newspaper relevant to your exam, read four to five newspapers one by one on daily basis. Now you will be able to choose newspaper which is more beneficial to make current affairs notes. In these newspapers there are many articles related to national and international events.
In short, do not read the newspapers which have local news and entertainment news. Choose those publications which publish more and more such news in their newspaper which are very important for preparing competitive exams.
Also do not read many newspapers form making current affairs note. Just choose a good newspaper and keep studying it daily. If you read many newspapers at a time then you will be wasting your time and rest of the subject will not be completed on time
Make notes daily
You have not only read newspaper daily but also make notes of the important points which you get from newspaper. If you want to make a good current affairs notes then you have to follow this step daily.
Do not skip a single day otherwise your current affairs notes will not be completed. By writing these points daily, you can make a good current affairs notes. Before examination this note will help in preparing a lot of questions related to current affairs.
Keep your current affairs notes as concise as possible. If you keep your current affairs notes concise then at the time of examination, you can revise more topics in less time.
The one more important thing to keep in mind that do not spend a lot of time in studying the newspaper for preparing current affairs. We have seen that many students spend a lot of time in reading all the news whether they are important to them or not.
Due to this they have less time to prepare for the other subjects and they can not get a good marks. Therefore, if you read the newspapers for making current affairs notes, then note all the important points only.
In this article we have given some important tips to prepare current affairs for one-day exams like SSC CGL Exams, Bank Exams, Railway Exams etc.
Since the questions related to current affairs are very important for any competitive exam. If you are preparing for government job then questions from current affairs become very important. Whether you are preparing for Civil Services Exams or one-day exams.
So, if you want to make a good current affairs note, then you should read a good newspaper regularly. But keep this thing in your mind that newspaper should be relevant to your examination.
Do not read any newspaper which is full of local news and entertainment news. Many newspaper are there in the market which are good for preparing current affairs. Choose one of them wisely and read daily and write down all the important points.
Also many publications publish monthly, half yearly, yearly magazines. These are also beneficial if you choose a good magazine to prepare current affairs.